Monday 10 June 2013

Day 8 - hmm interesting...

Ok...time to reveal the small experiment I did for the first week...

Now we always tell our clients not to be a slave to the scales but the last week I have been weighing myself every day. Not because the number matters, but I wanted to show you all something.

When we don't drink enough water our bodies hold onto it for when we need it. When we eat toxic and junk food, our bodies also hold on to more water to dilute the toxins as well as lay down extra fat cells to house those toxins as it does not want them in our blood stream. Also when you eat a lot of starchy carbs, your body holds on to more water.

Now because of all the above, most people are walking around carrying lots of extra fat and water that they don't need. All because our body's defence systems are kicking in trying to keep our blood streams and circulation free and clean.

Now for the first 6 days I drank lots of water, I had no sugary junk, limited the amount of starch I had and ate 2-3 meals each day. You can see how the number gradually decreases, even in someone my size.

Day 1 - 9st 9
Day 2 - 9st 8
Day 3 - 9st 7.2
Day 4 - 9st 6.4
Day 5 - 9st 6
Day 6 - 9st 6

Now this is where things change.

Day 6 was the bbq where I drank some wine and ate some chocolate. Look what the scales said the next day...

Day 7 - 9st 7.6

1.6lbs up again. Now this will not be fat, but my body holding onto excess water again to dilute the toxins in the wine and the chocolate.

Day 8 - 9st 7.4

Obviously after Sunday's stress wobble the figure hasn't improved. It's now down to me to eat clean again to see if it goes down again.


I am back doing heavy weight training from today so that figure on the scales may actually begin to go up, but my body will be leaner and clothes will be loser.

Muscle is not heavier than fat but denser. Think of a pound of fat being like a fit ball, and a pound of muscle being like a medicine ball. A pound is a pound, but the size is different.


Banana omelette with cinammon plus greens in half litre water.

Prawn and avocado salad with Moroccan hummus for lunch.

Roasted a whole chicken Jamie O style using thyme, garlic and lemon. This means I can use it for meals tomorrow and maybe the next day.

Had the legs and wings with some steamed veg.

No rubbish food today, but a bit down on the water, same yesterday. Need to up that tomorrow.


Heavy weights - lats (sides of back), core and biceps

Hours walk in the park with the dog.


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